

Today I might not be so charitable as to give an analogy. I’ll instead tell you about many situations where we compromise our faith, out of circumstances or laziness among many other things. wait a minute: who is a good Christian?

” They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life and to the prayers. ” (Acts 2:42)

A good Christian is one who prays, who lives well with his or her brother Christians and on our topic today, “lives the teaching of the apostles.”

The teaching of the apostles today is the writings of the apostles, the bible, and the advice we get in spiritual direction, the homilies we listen to and most importantly, the decrees that are given to us by the church.

During lent, Catholics abstain from meat every Friday except during solemnities that fall during the season. It’ll also be very important to also mention that Catholics do not use scientific means of birth prevention. Altogether, you’ll find many Catholics who go to mass every Sunday, receive communion yet do not observe the teachings of the church. they think they are above the law and that an exemption is made on them. On such matters, there are few exemptions and it is necessary for all of us who are reading this to be outstanding Christians who actually teach and live.

Let us serve as the example that the world needs for there to be major conversions. Let our exterior practice of piety be as a result of our interior. Our deep love of God, and our devotion to the teachings of the church.

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