If you have not hosted a party in your life, you have a reason to thank God that you did not endure the agony of clearing the after-party mess. In the meantime I will not help it mentioning to you that you are guilty of attemding parties, throwing cups on the ground, breaking bottles, screaming at every song that comes up, and most painfully for joining the guests in leaving at pleasure as though you were an invited `guest.’ Don’t ask me what you are supposed to do in that case, because I assume you already know.
Altogether, I would like to thank all the guests who chose to become friends and stay after the party to help bring back sanity where insanity previously prevailed, bring back shape and order where they previously existed, but it seems one hundred years ago, thanks to the party. These people often have the strength amid tiredness, struggle to open their eyes against sleep and after the clearing do not mind to sit and watch the stars outside with the host outside who often out of drunkenness is confessing their love for this one friend who is trying to contain them and will eventually drag them to bed when it’s late, before taking their leave.

It is unfortunate that often, this is the situation that happens with our souls. The moment of sin is often like a wild party that has loud music, lots of drinks, friends and fun. It is always a conviction of what could be best for us. “This is the best thing that has happened to me” we say to ourselves. The conviction is so real that nothing could separate us from the lie. Eventually the party comes to an end and Jesus remains. We stand in front of the truth itself and the truth seems to ask, “ What have you done?” For a moment it feels the mess is too much … I cannot meet the damage expenses. Desperation seems to set in. The Friend, in total respect for our freedom, shows us a possible path out of our misery but we first have to take full responsibility of our actions. We have to be truly sorry for our state and willing to make a total turn around.
In reality, Jesus is the friend who stays in the quiet of the night when all the devastation of sin is catching up with us. He helps us fight the guilt with the courage to go to confession. Many people around the world have recourse to our lady, undoer of knots. She really undoes the knots, it could be painful, but it is worhwhile.
2 replies on “AFTER THE PARTY”
Thank you for reading this post. God bless you.
Thank you for this great message