We all have that one friendship that began in a very weird place with an odd silence frequent glances at the person grew into a small wave that meant Hi, then a smile…….
It is all history but today, this person knows us better than anyone else, takes all our time, talking about the stars, bees and beetles and absolutely nothing. They know our heartiest laugh, and can tell when we cry from the deepest depths of a bruised heart.
Maybe this person is a former roommate who now lives miles away. Maybe we met in our first lecture and two years later they dropped the course but they are that who we call – bestie..

If we initiated the conversation with the daring attitude, to speak to a stranger, we always look back and think, it was worthwhile.
When we look at how much friends we are with Christ, we think, it was worthwhile that He took the first step, He was so daring as to have a wounded body exposed on a cross to try and mean He means it, He wants to be more than just a friend. In permanently remaining in the blessed sacrament so we can believe He is Emmanuel; God with us.
Question on me, what first step have I taken in bringing people to this lover. How many people have I assured that Jesus still loves them no matter how wretched they think they are? How many people have I reassured to come back to the faith.
Many people are waiting for someone to take the first step into their desperate lives, listen to their sad story, help them cry, reassure them that all will be well. that there is nothing to fear. Sooner or later, we’ll hear them laugh so hard from the joy and peace of finding the one who gives everything, and we’ll look back and say, it was worthwhile.
Why don’t you dare to take the first step?